A Greener Workspace in 3 Steps

It’s sometimes hard to find ways to hop on the green bandwagon without making drastic changes in your lifestyle. There are several easy ways that you can help the environment and your workplace right from your desk! Here are three easy steps to take to make your personal workspace more environmentally-friendly:

Adding plants to your workspace adds a beautiful green color as well as oxygen to the air around you. And according to a study in facilities design and management, plants have been shown to increase productivity by creating a less stressful environment, which in turn leads to a more satisfied and productive workforce. (Facilities Design & Management, 8-1-02)
Where to start: Head over to your local home and garden store and find the right plant for your workspace!

Instead of grabbing a new cup each time you go to the water cooler or coffee pot, use a mug. This is an easy way to reduce the waste and save your company a few bucks. Take it one step further and hand-wash your cup at the end of the day – it uses less water than a dishwasher does. And speaking of the office coffee pot, try switching to a reusable coffee filter to reduce waste even more!
Where to start: Grab a mug from home and you’re all set! Then shop online at a store like Amazon for a reusable coffee filter.

It’s easy to open that office memo, print it out, and walk over to the printer and read it. It’s even easier to have a notepad on your desk to take down the important information.  Having a notepad made of recycled paper is an easy way to cut down on unnecessary print jobs. Like this idea? Spread the word – include in your e-mail signature a reminder to “consider the environment before printing this e-mail”.
Where to start: Check out Staples for 100% Recycled Notepads.

When it comes to being green in the workplace, it helps to lead by example. A recent survey of 1000 employees showed that 57% were looking to be led by example. (Guardian) Start with these small steps and you’ll soon notice your co-workers hopping on the bandwagon!

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